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Indahnya Wisata Pemandian Gumbang Ganang Obel-Obel


Wisata Pemandian Gumbang Ganang Obel-obel  ( Obel-obel)
 – Selain wisata Pantai yang indah, Desa Obel-obel Kecamatan Sambelia kabupaten Lombok Timur, juga menyimpan keindahan alam lainya yang tak kalah dengan tempat lainnya, Sebut saja yang baru baru ini dibuka Wisata Pemandian Gumbang Ganang.

Wisata pemandian Gumbang Ganang itulah nama wisata yang dikelola Deny Miswar bersama Pokdarwis Maju, Luas total sekitar dua hektar are,  Danau  yang  berwarna kehijauan, terdapat sejumlah pedagang makanan siap saji menjadi alasan kuat berwisata tempat ini.

Keberadaa Bebek Sampan menampah komplit wisata ini, cukup dengan biaya 5000 Rupiah /1 orang  dengan durasi 20 menit Bebek Sampan Siap digunakan, sementara untuk tiket masuk 3000 rupiah/ orang  dengan parkir Roda  Dua 2000 rupiah, mobil 5000 rupiah dalam setiap kujungan.

Tunggu apalagi, ayo berwisata di Destinasi Wisata Pemandian Gubang Ganang yang teletak di Desa Obel–obel Kecamatan Sambelia kabupaten Lombok Timur  Atua kurang lebih 100 meter dari bibir pantai Obel-obel.

Wisata Air Terjun Umar Maya Bilok Petung

Sumber Gambar :

Berwisata Yook - Air Terjun Umar maya  Terletak di Desa Bilok Petung, Kecamatan Sembalun kabupaten Lombok Timur NTB. Sama seperti Wisata Air terjun terdahulunya yang terlebih dahulu dikenal masyarakat yaitu Air Terjun Mangku Sakti Desa Sajang, Air Terjun Umar juga mengandung air belerang yang konon katanya ampuh mengobati permasalahan penyakit kulit yang aliran suangai terhubung dengan Danau Segara Anak 

Menurut cerita pengelola Air Terjun ini , konon katanya , Umar Maya adalah seorang dari tokoh pewayangan Lombok yang terkenal sebagai seorang raja yang sakti mandraguna dan tersohor kebijaksanaannya yang berasal dari wilayah bangsa Arab yang diadopsi masyarakat Lombok  dan kisah tersebut yang seolah kejadiannya terjadi ditanah Lombok. Dalam kisah tersebut Umar Maya menggunakan tempat itu sebagai tempat pertapaannya (meditasi) di balik Air Terjun tersebut, Umar maya setiap melakukan semedi selalu menyempatkan dirinya untuk mandi di telaga (tumpahan) air terjun itu, tidak hanya itu  sering mengolah ilmu kanuragan/ilmu kedikjayaannya dan kemudian disempurnakan di pemandian Umar Maya yang ada di sekitar daerah Gua Payung yang terletak di sekitar wilayah kaldera Segara Anak. Nah,

Anda tertarik …? Ayo Kunjungi Air Terjun Umar maya  yang ada  di Desa Bilok Petung, Kecamatan Sembalun kabupaten Lombok Timur NTB

Wisata Taman Bukit Pemedengan Sajang Tawarkan sensasi Alamiah

Spot Poto Wisata Taman Bukit Pemedengan Sajang

Berwisata Yook - Wisata Taman Bukit Pemedengan  Sajang Selain menawarkan keindahan alam Untuk berselfi juga menawarkan  Camp Area  bagi Wisatawan  yang ingin melakukan aktifitas bermalam, lokasi yang luas membuat tempat ini  tak hawatir  gak kebagian tempat.

Pemandangan Gunung Rinjani dan panjangnya Pantai terlihat jelas  membuat pengunjung betah  berlama lama di tempat ini, Sejuknya Utara menambahkan keseruan  bagi setiap Pengujung

Fasilitas  pendukung lainnya seperti Berugak dan Toilet sudah tersedia di tempa ini.

Adapun tiket masuknya Pengelola menarifkan 5 ribu /Orang dan 30 ribu/orang untuk yang melakukan aktivitas perkemahan

Untuk menuju wisata ini, kurang lebih 2-3 jam perjalanan  Jika perjalan dimulai dari kota Mataram, Jika telah menemukan gerbang Wisata Air Terjun Mangku Sakti lurus tinggal menemukan MTs MW Nurul Iklas Sajang, kira kira 800 meter kekiri masuk kejalan perkebunan kopi wisatawan sudah  menemukan destinasi ini.

Bukit Tanaq Abang Spreads Its Beauty As A New Destination

Berwisata Yook -  Hill which has an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level with a distance of approximately 5 km with a travel time of 4 hours this trip offers visitors some advantages that are different from the previous hill tourism. Among the several advantages of the Hill are as follows

The visitors who want to go to this tour will pass Kali Mati or times that have water in the rainy season which contains Lava Flow Stone which also Provides Additional Travel Destinations with your beloved friends. great right?

COZY AND FULL FOREST PLORA-PAUNA The next advantage, this Tanaq Abang Hill: the end will pass through a cool shady forest along the 1.5 Km on the way to this hill, a variety of plora and pauna will meet during the journey of approximately 1, 5 hours with a distance of 2 km trip, a little heat reduced even the existing is a cold feeling a little pierced if done with a relaxed trip, Wooo Merarik right ...?

THROUGH BEAUTIFUL SAVANA Passing through the forest The cool visitors will pass the beautiful and beautiful Savana Grass on the 2km journey that makes the trip feel even closer to Bukit Tanaq Abang. Nice right?
SANSET AND SANRISE ARE READY Bukitini In addition to offering easy access for all visitors, this hill also provides a beautiful Sanset and Sunrise beauty, a free location without barriers makes it easy for sunrise and sunset to make it easier for sanset and Sunrise lovers to simply take pictures or go to the background Sinar Sanset and Sunrise that might be hard to find elsewhere. It's good, is not it

Thus some of the advantages of Bukit Tanaq Abang, but as a little Add Information Hill has a little drawbacks such as the area of ​​the camp that is not so broad, there is no water source that requires visitors to ensure the availability of water while at the top of the hill. found in certain area.


To get to this hill, Penjung can choose 3 path options with superiority and their respective peculiarities,

This path will go through the Lava Rock River which gives color on your way to Bukit Tanaq Abang, but this path is a bit cut down Distance from the other 2 lanes, but this path has a sun trick that is quite hot if the trip is done in the afternoon

Through this Path Visitors Will Cross the Residents' Agricultural Land Area. This pathway is suitable for visitors who like to explore the Residents' Farming Activities while traveling


This path is indeed the least traveled with the farthest distance from the two lines. However, this route is very complete, in addition to passing through community farm areas, the Alava Lava river, long cool jungle tracks with a variety of plaques and fountains will certainly add to your excitement in traveling, This pathway is suitable for true nature lovers

Tickets are still relatively the same as ticket tickets that have ever existed in other Bukit Destinations
TICKETS: 10,000 / person
Ayoo, what are you waiting for? come and immediately prepare your equipment To immediately rush to show your feet on the hill Tanaq Abang which is in the village of Sajang Sembalun District East Lombok Regency West Nusa Tenggara (BT)

Gempa terjang sembalun Puluhan rumah Rusak dan beberapa orang cedra

Berwisata Yook.

Kejadian 29/07/2018 desa Sajang kecamatan sembalun, kira pukul 06.32 pagi waktu setempat,  Puluhan rumah rusak parah dan ringan, beberapa warga ada cedera berat dan ringan, ada juga korban yng sudah dibawa kerumah sakit terdekat,

Sampai tulisan ini kami publis gempa susulan masih tejadi terhitung lebih dari 10 kali dari gempa utama

Warga berkumpul dipersawahan dan ada juga dilapangan sepak bola sajang,

Warga berharap ada bantuan pemerintah secara cepat, seperti tenda2, Makanan siap saji. Bung Tawa

Cultural Tourism Recommendation Custom House Beleq Sembalun Village

Traditional house Desa Beleq Sembalun 
Berwisatayook.. One more tourist destination that you have to stopover is a stop at the Traditional House of Beleq Sembalun Village, East Lombok regency of West Nusa Tenggara Province, for lovers of cultural tourism, no doubt, sure 100 percent sure this tour is looking for so far.

Traditional house that has existed since the century ago until now still maintained its existence even though it has been renovated several times but still maintain its authenticity, so as not to eliminate the existing history both the form of building and building materials itself.
Traditional house Desa Beleq Sembalun 

The specialty of this traditional house is within the complex of traditional house Beleq Village there are 7 pieces of traditional house must have punctuation and meaning tersediri, 2 geleng storage of property at that time, 1 bale malang shaped place meeting and worship, and one stone the so-called pasumi gumi, near the pasumi gumi there are delpak stone that serves as a guardian vehicle / pengulu when wanting a special patrol for the security unity tanak at that time.
Traditional house Desa Beleq Sembalun 

Traditional house that stands upright from the leaves of Ilalang and woven bamboo walls and Floors made of clay mixed with animal waste such as buffalo and straw ash make the attraction of this cultural tourism is very dear if passed

To get to this tour you do not need to be confused, this tour is quite easy to find. If there are in the tourist pusuk sembalun, simply you advance your vehicle towards the south about 4 Km there is already in this traditional tourist house location. For those of you who often visit the hill selong course you already know the location of this tour because this tour is adjacent hill selong .. what are you waiting? Ayoo travel to the traditional house of Beleq Sembalun Village, East Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province.

Nature Tourism Bukit Nanggi East Lombok

Dukumen : Nanggi Lampion Festival

Berwisata Yook. Bukit Nanggi is the name of a tourist destination that is a prima donna for the hobbyist of the height, the hill which is located in the eastern region of Mount Rinjani National Geopark environment, which can be passed through Sembalun Bumbung Village, Sembalun District, East Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Hill that has a height of 2300 mdpl we can travel with a time range of about 4 hours of climbing. A fairly draining trip will be paid off when we get to the top of this hill. beautiful Mount Rinjani and Sembalun view plus a neat stretch of villages lined the district of Sambelia, Pringgabaya, Suela we can see from this hill height.
Dukumen : Nanggi Lampion Festival

Do not stop there, the hill of nanggi also presents a beauty that should not be forgotten, the atmosphere of the afternoon is so amazing that the sunset can be seen clearly by our eyeballs are certainly very different elsewhere, the air a bit piercing bones, wind blowing snow add cheerfulness on this hill, but for those of you who are not accustomed to the weather is certainly still able to enjoy it even though through the sidelines of the curtain tents.
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To go to the hill is not too difficult, as you often go to sembalun certainly will not stray, if you leave from the city of Mataram through the East Lombok route, you just focus through the route of sikmal Aualel and from pusuk sembalun approximately 1 km you have up to the ticket counter of Bukit Bukit nanggi, and from there the climb begins.

For those of you who use private vehicles either four wheel or two wheels, do not worry because the manager has prepared his services for you.

Natural Enchantment Waterfall Yarn Netting Lombok Tengah

Dukumen : waterfall Benang Kelambu

Berwisata Yook . One more water lahjun you should visit if the land of Lombok, the plunge that has a beauty that is not inferior to other waterfall waterfall. Water Terun is referred to is waterfall Benang Kelambu Central Lombok West Nusa Tenggara Province

Named Waterfall Yarn Netting because this waterfall is At first glance looks like a mosquito net, or a curtain thread threads neatly blown by the wind that adds beauty to the eye so that the plunge is suitable for those of you who like artistic photography.
Dukumen : waterfall Benang Kelambu
Clear water increases the selling power of this plunge, the uniqueness of this plunge that is with the division of highs, the first height approximately approximately 30 meters from the springs itself, and the second level has a height of about 10 meters and then the last level has a height of about 5 meters which directly flow to the river below.

This plunge is not a stance in the pampering every visitor. The attention of the local government is very visible in the participation of building this tour, this is seen from the infrastructure that is on this tour, such as stairs that panang ladder that makes it easy for tourists to mengaakses this tour
Dukumen : waterfall Benang Kelambu

What is different from this plunge is the original water from the nearby springs instead of water flowing from the river like the water of tenjun that already exist, so the water is also safe if directly consumed by the tourists. Not only that this tour is very serious in the comfort of the visitors, public facilities that may be rarely found in other natural attractions such as Toilet facilities, Mosolla is available in this place

To add to the beauty of this waterfall tour, at the bottom there is a pool that is perfect for beremdam that add to the excitement of your holiday, in addition to adding to the crowds around the belief that for those of you who want to get healing from various diseases and want to stay young this is the place, of course this local community has a strong reason because this tour is an area of ​​the mountain Rinjani.

Facilities prepared by the manager so very complete, for those of you who do not want to bother with stomach affairs, this tour has been set up, almost from the main gate to the location plunge lined merchant traders who can finish your stomach affairs. For those of you who want to enjoy the nature around this waterfall, the manager also provides motorcycle taxi service that is ready to help you with all my heart.
Dukumen : waterfall Benang Kelambu

For those of you who want to try the sensation of this Water tour, of course not difficult, for those of you who use the vehicle both the four wheels and two wheels, there lived to drive your vehicle to Dusun Pemotong, Aik Berik Village, Batukliang North Subdistrict, Central Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara) .

If you depart from Mataram city terminal, you only need about 1, 5 hours, until there you will be directed to the official parking area that guarantee your vehicle equity, then you can go directly to the ticket booth that is ready to serve you. The price of entrance of the Yar Nets Waterfall is only Rp5,000 per person. If you bring a two-wheeled vehicle, you will be charged Rp5.000 parking fee. While four-wheeled vehicles will be charged parking fee of Rp10.000.

Savana Propok Surga new to East Lombok

Sumber Poto :
Berwisata Yook. Mount Rinjani did not stop spreading his charms, day by day he seemed to tempt every tourist enthusiast to come to greet him, Lombok Regency which has become the fruit of the bourgeoisie with a tourist destination that increasingly memukao and diverse, as well as now there are tourist destinations that have not been much so many known people named Savana Propok.
For those of you who often travel to the cemetery is certainly not difficult to find this place, if you depart from Mataram through the path of suela, you just drive your vehicle to the hot water bath area sebau, about 200 meters to Arak pusuk Sembalun you've found Parking Area from this tour.

From the parking area, visitors will walk through the forest approximately 2 hours journey, slippery and challenging track will add to your exciting story that is not easy to forget.
After wading through a very memorable trip, you arrive on the hill skomak which became the location of your camp, this is where you can enjoy the beauty of savanna propok from a height of approximately 1800 MDPL, Eloknya Rinjani mountain and protected forest TNGR make all your travel fatigue immediately forgotten.
In addition to enjoying the altitude, you can also down the hill for 30 to directly menginjakan your feet to savanna propok, incredible views presented in this place, a vast expanse of grass wobbles uniform is very tempting, towering mountain Rinjani plus clouds that instantly bit by sekidik closing it will make you instantly amazed at the power of God who has created.

You are interested? As a tourist destination that is still new of course the nature of propok is still awake, for that if you visit it please do not leave the garbage and destroy the vegetation that grow there

Pondok Kerakat Beach

Kegiatan Launching Wisata Pondok Kerakat Pohgading Timur
Berwisata Yook. The beach that we will discuss the times is the prettiest beach of the present hour of East Lombok, the beach that we mean is Pondok Kerakat Dusun Sukamulia village of Pohgading East of East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

The beach that stands on the idea of ​​a youthful hamlet of Asri with Asa Community ASA Community began to flash back tragedy past the beach, where at that time the activity of iron mining that is sucked continuously for inpor out of the country is quite disturbing the community. Mine akativitas bepotensi damaging the naturalness of the beach, local communities immediately responded with a response to stop mining activities.
Kegiatan Launching Wisata Pondok Kerakat Pohgading Timur
The community's resistance with the local government that was enough to eliminate the mass media at that time, the people's resistance was high enough to cause physical clashes between the government through the police and the people who denied the existence of the mine. This incident certainly caused the loss of the parties to the incident.

Learning from the tragedy masalalu beautiful with kawa kawan asa, want to change the pattern of each adversary with a work and hard evidence of hard work of the youth by setting up a community of Sadar WIsata Group (POKDARWIS) Pondok Kerakat Pohgading Timur Village, Pringgabaya East Lombok Regency with the realization of andala tourism Pantai Pondok Kerakat. The beach is officially opened in early 2018, has its own uniqueness that may not be found elsewhere, in addition to a very wide beach, this beach makes a very high attraction with the extraordinary packaging of the pengolanya. There are spot photos that selau ter update once in the span of two weeks to attract tourists to return just to take pictures.
Kegiatan Launching Wisata Pondok Kerakat Pohgading Timur

do not stop there this beach has also been available some berugak to just beristrahat after enjoying the spot poto and sea water games that exist, for those of you who do not want to bother bringing supplies from home, this beach also provides stalls of citizens who are ready to settle your stomach problem. For those of you who are not too interested in beach tourism, do not worry, this beach is also recommended by tourists to melakakun treatment of diseases such as rheumatic drugs, and your vitality problem, by doing "Betalet" that is by planting parts of the body that feel the need to be treated on the sand beach hut cottage, of course this will soon menyebuhkan your disease with sand content contained on this beach.
Kegiatan Launching Wisata Pondok Kerakat Pohgading Timur

You are interested? Wait let alone let's travel to Pondok Kerakata Village East Pohgading Village Pringgabaya Sub-district, East Lombok regency, with two travel routes, if you depart through jalung selong, there is a spur to drive your vehicle to the East Krumut Pohgading T-junction after your fork turns live turn right 10-15 the minute you arrive at the beach. But if you depart from the path aikmel you live searching pohgading market and continue the journey to the junction of the kerumut after the outs, left the 10-15 minutes you have been enjoying the beach cottage with your partner, your friends, your family and other loved ones.

Pesona Alam Air Terjun Benang Kelambu Lombok Tengah

Air Terjun Benang Kelambu Lombok Tengah Nusa tengara Barat
Berwisata Yook. Satu lagi air ternjun yang harus anda kunjungi bila di tanah Lombok ini, yaitu terjun yang memiliki keindahan yang tidak kalah dengan air terjun air terjun lainnya. Air Terun yang dimaksud adalah air terjun Benang Kelambu Lombok Tengah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Dinamakan Air Terjun Benang Kelambu karena air terjun ini memang Sepintas terlihat seperti kelambu, atau sebuah benang benang tirai rapi yang tertiup angin yang menambah keindahan dipandang mata sehingga terjun ini cocok bagi anda yang doyan seni potografi.
Air Terjun Benang Kelambu Lombok Tengah Nusa tengara Barat
Air yang jernih menanambah daya jual terjun ini, keunikan dari terjun ini yaitu dengan adanya pembagian tinggkatan, tinggkat pertama kira kira mempunyai ketinggian 30 meter dari sumber mata air itu sendiri, dan  tinggkat kedua memiliki ketinggian  sekitar 10 meter kemudian tingkatan terakhir memiliki ketinggian sekitar 5 Meter yang lansung mengalir kesungai dibawahnya.
Air Terjun Benang Kelambu Lombok Tengah Nusa tengara Barat

Terjun ini memang tidak nanggung nanggung dalam memanjakan setiap pengunjungnya. Perhatian pemerintah setempat memang sangat terlihat andil dalam keikutsertaan membangun wisata ini, ini terlihat dari inprastruktur yang berada di wisata ini, seperti tangga tangga yang panang yang memudahkan para wisatawan untuk mengaakses wisata ini.
Air Terjun Benang Kelambu Lombok Tengah Nusa tengara Barat
Yang berbeda dengan terjun ini adalah airnya asli dari sumber mata air didekatnya bukan air yang mengalir dari sungai seperti air tenjun yang telah ada, sehingga air ini juga aman jika langsung dikomsumsi oleh para wisatawan. Tidak hanya itu memang wisata ini sangat serius dalam kenyaman para pengunjungnya, fasilitas umum yang mungkin jarang ditemukan ditempat wisata wisata alam lainnya seperti fasilitas Toilet, Mosolla sudah tersedia ditempat ini.
Air Terjun Benang Kelambu Lombok Tengah Nusa tengara Barat
Untuk menambah keindahan dari wisata air terjun ini , pada bagian  bawah terdapat kolam yang sangat cocok untuk  beremdam yang menambah keseruan liburan anda,  selain menambah keseriuan masyarakat sekitar menyakini bahwa bagi anda yang ingin mendapatkan kesembuhan dari berbagai macam penyakit dan ingin awet muda inilah tempatnya, tentu ini masyarakat setempat mempunyai alasan yang kuat dikarenakan wisata ini merupakan wilayah dair gunung rinjani.
Fasilitas yang disiapkan pengelola begitu sangat komplit, untuk anda yang tidak mau repot dengan urusan perut,  wisata ini telah menyiapkan, hampir dari gerbang utama sampai lokasi terjun berjejer pedagang pedangan yang mampu menyelesaiakan urusan perut anda. Bagi anda yang ingin menikmati alam sekitar air terjun ini, pengelola juga menyediakan jasa ojek yang siap membantu anda dengan sepenuh hati.
Air Terjun Benang Kelambu Lombok Tengah Nusa tengara Barat

Bagi anda yang ingin mencoba sensasi wisata
Air ini , tentu tidak sulit,  bagi anda yang menggunkan  kendaraan baik roda empat maupun roda dua, ada tinggal melajukan kendaraan anda menuju Dusun Pemotong, Desa Aik Berik, Kecamatan Batukliang Utara, Lombok Tengah (Nusa Tenggara Barat).
Jika Anda berangkat dari terminal kota Mataram, anda hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 1, 5 jam,  sesampai disana anda akan diarahkan ketempat parkir resmi yang menjamin keamaanann kendaraan anda, setelah itu anda boleh langsung ke loket tiket yang telah siap melayani anda. Harga tiket masuk Air Terjun Benang Kelambu hanya Rp5.000 per orang. Jika Anda membawa kendaraan roda dua, Anda akan dikenakan biaya parkir Rp5.000. Sedangkan kendaraan roda empat akan dikenakan biaya parkir sebesar Rp10.000.

Wisata Bukit Nanggi Lombok Timur

Dukumentasi : Nanggi Lampion Festival
Berwisata Yook. Bukit Nanggi begitu nama destinasi wisata yang menjadi primadona bagi para wisatawan yang hobi akan ketinggian, bukit yang  yang berada di kawasan bagian timur lingkungan Geopark Nasional Gunung Rinjani, yang dapat dilalui melalui Desa Sembalun Bumbung Kecamatan Sembalun Kabupaten Lombok Timur Nusa tenggara Barat (NTB). Bukit yang mempunyai ketinggian 2.300 mdpl dapat kita tempuh dengan kisaran waktu  sekitar 4 jam pendakian. Perjalan yang lumayan menguras tenaga akan terbayar lunas ketika kita sudah sampai di puncak bukit ini. indahnya Gunung Rinjani dan view Sembalun ditambah hamparan  desa-desa rapi berjejer yang ada dikawasan Kecamatan Sambelia, Pringgabaya, Suela dapat kita lihat dari ketinggian bukit ini.

Dukumentasi nanggi Lampion Festival
Tidak berhenti sampai disana, bukit nanggi juga menyajikan  keindahan yang jangan sampai terlupakan, suasana sore hari yang begitu menakjubkan dimana sunset dapat terlihat secara jelas oleh bola mata kita yang tentu sangat berbeda ditempat lainya, udara yang sedikit menusuk tulang, angin yang berhembus bak salju menambah keceriaan pada bukit ini,  namun bagi anda yang tidak terbiasa dengan cuaca ini tentu masih dapat menikmatinya yang walupun lewat sela sela tirai tenda.

Untuk menuju ke bukit ini tidak terlalu sulit, bagai anda yang sering ke sembalun dapat dipastikan tidak akan nyasar,bila anda berangkat dari Kota Mataram melalui jalur Lombok timur,  anda hanya berfokus melewati rute Aikmel suale dan dari pusuk sembalun kira-kira 1 km anda sudah sampai pada loket pembelian Tiket Bukit nanggi, dan dari sanalah pendakian dimulai.
Bagi anda yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi baik roda empat maupun roda dua, jangan hawatir karna pihak pengelola telah menyiapkan jasanya untuk anda.

Wisata Danau Labuan Cermin Kalimantan Timur

Berwisata Yook. Dibalik Kalimantan Timur ternyata memiliki sebuah surga yang indah dan semoga dapat menjadi salah satu referensi objek wisata bagi kalian semua. Sebuah danau dengan air yang jernih dan bersih di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur adalah Danau Labuan Cermin. Mungkin sebagian wisatawan sudah dengar lah dengan nama danau tersebut.

Untuk menuju ke objek wisata Danau Labuan Cermin, wisatawan perlu menempuhh perjalanan sekitar 7 jam dari Bandara Samarinda, dengan perjalanan yang lumayan jauh, para wisatawan jangan mengeluh dan putus asa, karena disana wisatawan akan diibayar lelahnya dengan pemandangan Danau Labuan Cermin dengan air yang jernih dan indah.
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Uniknya yang dimiliki oleh objek wisata Danau Labuan Cermin, Kalimantan Timur ini adalah sebuah danau yang memiliki 2 air yang beda namun masih jadii satu lokasinya. Keistimewaan yang dimiliki obejk wisata Danau Labuan Cermin adalah air jernih, sehingga wisatawan dapat melihat tanah pada dasar danau tersebut. Pastinya bagi kalian wisatawan yang suka berfoto foto, mungkin salah satu objek wisata di Kalimantan Timur ini dapat menjadi referensi liburan wisatawan.

Harga tiket masuk ke Danau Labuan Cermin sebenarnya tidak dipungut biaya. Namun, wisatawan pasti tertarik dan ingin menyewa perahu yang disediakan oleh warga setempat. Biaya penyewaan perahu yaitu sekitar Rp 100.000,- dan ada juga penyewaan untuk snorkeling seperti kaki katak, kacamata snorkeling, pelampung, dll. Demikian mungkin gambaran wisata di Danau Labuan Cermin, Kalimantan Timur. Wisatawan tidak memerlukan biaya yang tinggi namun sudah bisa menikmati keindahan Danau Labuan Cermin.

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